Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Love Pt. Two

Before we get on the subject of tonight's devo... I was thinking...

I've had a lot of people tell me that they don't know how to read the Bible on their own, that they don't know how to do a devo. I think this is a shame. Because your own personal faith can't be built up unless you are spending time in the word. Going to church isn't enough, just going to Bible study isn't enough, just hanging out with "other Christians" isn't enough. Sure those things are important, but we are told to hold the word in our hearts, to let it be inscribed as though on stone. But what of those who don't know how to begin?

My mini "How To" ideas:

My devo format has morphed over the years but one format I stuck with a long time was this:

I would read a chapter a day from a book then write down a quick summary of what I had read to recap it. After the summary I would pick a verse or two or more and write them down. Sometimes I would write why I had chosen them. You'd be surprised how many different ways you can view the same verse. Finally I would write down "Questions" (Ex. from 2 Corinthians 3; "Am I an example of Christ's 'letter' to the world, or is there something that I need to asses and change in my life? How can I further show that I am a letter from Christ?") Questions can be theological, they can be practical, they can be anything you want to be as long as they challenge you. On the back of the paper I would write down my prayer. It's been interesting to go back and read my Questions and Prayers especially. I wish now that I had been better with writing down why I had chosen the verses.

But anyways...

Don't know where all of that came from.

Onto the real purpose of tonight.


Did you think about it? I did. I always do, really.

And just to clarify, we're not talking about Romantic Love tonight. We are talking about something so much deeper than that it's difficult to even comprehend. Romantic love is a very human emotion, and, since it is a very human emotion, it is able to become trapped in human pitfalls. I'm not talking about that feel good love, although I'm not dissing romantic love. It can be wonderful. But why do you think so many couples fail in their relationships? Is it because they have a lack of romantic love? Certainly, it's a proven fact that the "honeymoon stage" will end within 3-5 years, and often even sooner, but what is left after that? What kind of love do you exhibit to your loved ones, your friends, your family, or even to strangers? Why is this concept called "Love" so important?

Maybe we should begin with the basics...

Exhibit A) What is love???

1 Corinthians 13:4-8a Bear with me. I know you've heard this verse a million times. Remember...empty cup.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

Read it again. I mean really read it. Does this sound like the type of love you show everyone each day?

"It is not self seeking." I think that pretty much sums it up. But how much of our so called love is actually self seeking upon better analysis?

Exhibit B) There is a type of love that encompasses 1 Corinthians 13. This type of love is called AGAPE.

Agape is a powerful love, a selfless love, the deepest type of love, the love that God has for us and that we are expected to show to each other as well. Agape love is a love that loves without expecting anything in return, a love without preconditions or post conditions, a love that loves for the sake of loving and bestowing value upon a person. Agape was exemplified by Christ dying for us. Check out 1 John 4:7-12. By the way, I think that's going to be my next book I go through.
Heads up.

Am I an example of Agape love in my day to day life, or is my love something a little more conditional, a little more selfish? How do I show that the Love I am giving is in fact a part of this complex concept of Agape love and not something that is selfish, self serving? I want to love like God says I should. I want to see the world through His eyes. I don't want to see it through my own. I want to love like He loves us. I want to treat each person as though they are a precious gift, worthy of all love.

So often I fall short of that. But that doesn't mean I have to stop trying.

Whoever you are, wherever you are. I love you. And I am keeping you in my prayers.


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